Obviously the best way to form your opinion about our music is by listening to it. So find our latest song and EP below:
'Figments' is our newest song, released on the 4th of november 2024. It is the first of a planned series of songs to be released in the coming months and it showcases much diversity in both musical composition as vocal melodies
The song is available on all major streaming platforms.
Look us up, or find us through this smart link (No Inspiration).
'Figments' is our first EP, released on the 8th of may 2023 . The six songs on it are but a selection of our current repertoire,
but we feel they give the listener a nice taste of what kind of music to expect when coming to see
us play.
The EP is available on all major streaming platforms.
Look us up, or find us through this smart link (Figments).
So you want to see us? Check out our latest videos below:
So you want to see us live? Well, then you should visit us at one of these opportunities:
Unperson will be playing at "K77" in Woerden, together with another band yet to be confirmed. Come check us out!
UNPERSON is the name of a four man rock formation based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The band in its current form started in the summer of 2021, when singer Vincent joined the ranks. Guitarist Jeroen and drummer Walter had at that point been searching for fellow bandmembers for some years and even though they had already found bass player Anton almost a year before, they had only met each other in person once (due to a certain pandemic… You might have heard of it). Nevertheless the band has been steadily building their repertoire. The music consists solely of original songs, composed by Jeroen on which Vincent has layered his own vocal lines and lyrics. The musical style is mostly rock with both metal and progressive influences complemented with melodic vocals with mostly personal lyrics.
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